マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも on Windows Pc
Developed By: Mynavi Corporation
License: Free
Rating: 4,0/5 - 3.306 votes
Last Updated: April 17, 2024
App Details
Version |
3.14.6 |
Size |
56.2 MB |
Release Date |
December 16, 24 |
Category |
Lifestyle Apps |
App Permissions: Allows applications to open network sockets. [see more (7)]
What's New: ◆◆今回のアップデート◆◆・内部処理を改善しました。これからも、マイナビバイト統合版はバイト探しから採用後までの一貫したサポートを行ってまいります!なお、ご利用する上で何か不具合やお困りごとがございましたら、「 https://baito.mynavi.jp/support/UserSupportInput.do 」... [see more]
Description from Developer: Filled with a wide range of part-time job information, including part-time, part-time, and full-time job openings that suit your lifestyle, as well as popular job types and popular... [read more]
About this app
On this page you can download マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも and install on Windows PC. マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも is free Lifestyle app, developed by Mynavi Corporation. Latest version of マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも is 3.14.6, was released on 2024-12-16 (updated on 2024-04-17). Estimated number of the downloads is more than 500,000. Overall rating of マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも is 4,0. Generally most of the top apps on Android Store have rating of 4+. This app had been rated by 3,306 users, 190 users had rated it 5*, 1,581 users had rated it 1*.
How to install マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも on Windows?
Instruction on how to install マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも on Windows 10 Windows 11 PC & Laptop
In this post, I am going to show you how to install マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも on Windows PC by using Android App Player such as BlueStacks, LDPlayer, Nox, KOPlayer, ...
Before you start, you will need to download the APK/XAPK installer file, you can find download button on top of this page. Save it to easy-to-find location.
[Note] You can also download older versions of this app on bottom of this page.
Below you will find a detailed step-by-step guide, but I want to give you a fast overview of how it works. All you need is an emulator that will emulate an Android device on your Windows PC and then you can install applications and use it - you see you're playing it on Android, but this runs not on a smartphone or tablet, it runs on a PC.
If this doesn't work on your PC, or you cannot install, comment here and we will help you!
Step By Step Guide To Install マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも using BlueStacks
- Download and Install BlueStacks at: https://www.bluestacks.com. The installation procedure is quite simple. After successful installation, open the Bluestacks emulator. It may take some time to load the Bluestacks app initially. Once it is opened, you should be able to see the Home screen of Bluestacks.
- Open the APK/XAPK file: Double-click the APK/XAPK file to launch BlueStacks and install the application. If your APK/XAPK file doesn't automatically open BlueStacks, right-click on it and select Open with... Browse to the BlueStacks. You can also drag-and-drop the APK/XAPK file onto the BlueStacks home screen
- Once installed, click "マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも" icon on the home screen to start using, it'll work like a charm :D
[Note 1] For better performance and compatibility, choose BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit read more
[Note 2] about Bluetooth: At the moment, support for Bluetooth is not available on BlueStacks. Hence, apps that require control of Bluetooth may not work on BlueStacks.
How to install マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも on Windows PC using NoxPlayer
- Download & Install NoxPlayer at: https://www.bignox.com. The installation is easy to carry out.
- Drag the APK/XAPK file to the NoxPlayer interface and drop it to install
- The installation process will take place quickly. After successful installation, you can find "マイナビバイトでバイト探し!大学生向けの求人やアルバイトも" on the home screen of NoxPlayer, just click to open it.
(*) is required
Filled with a wide range of part-time job information, including part-time, part-time, and full-time job openings that suit your lifestyle, as well as popular job types and popular short-term part-time jobs!
We also have a lot of job information recommended for university students. Can be used for job hunting and gakuchika. Cafe jobs, resort jobs, short-term live shows and events, early morning jobs/late night jobs, work from home, part-time jobs with flexible shifts, etc. Furthermore, by combining search axes, you can search for jobs that match your timetable and commuting style.
If you want to search for part-time job information nationwide, please use the MyNavi Part-Time Job App!
≪Introduction to the features of Mynavi Baito's part-time job/part-time job/job search app≫
You can save the part-time jobs you are interested in and compare them with job offers from other part-time jobs.
You can also search for part-time jobs by introducing recommended part-time jobs from the viewed part-time jobs.
Search for part-time jobs from part-time job search history
You can check your part-time job/part-time job application/browsing history from the part-time job recruitment app.
You can easily apply for a part-time job next time by applying for a part-time job.
●College students search for part-time jobs based on “skills they want to acquire” using part-time jobs/part-time jobs/job search apps.
University students have a lot of opportunities, and there are plenty of part-time jobs/jobs that you can enjoy even if you have no experience, such as opening staff part-time jobs/jobs and resort part-time jobs/jobs!
Take advantage of college students' summer, winter, and spring breaks to try out a new part-time job that welcomes college students. Job openings are rapidly increasing at high-paying bars, restaurants, cafes, and home-based work where you can work short-term and intensively! University students can now search for jobs based on the skills they want to acquire and the things they like. If you are a university student who wants to look for a part-time job with an eye on the future, please use the MyNavi Part-time job app!
● You can search for jobs that suit your lifestyle.
From the popular ``short-term part-time jobs,'' ``daily pay part-time jobs,'' and ``high-paying part-time jobs,'' where you can easily work in your free time, to part-time jobs where you can enjoy ``Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off,'' ``shift system,'' and ``work from home.'' You can search for a wide range of job openings that meet your needs, including full-time job openings.
You can also specify conditions such as "High school students welcome," "Nail piercings OK," "From one day a week," "Less than 4 hours a day," "College students welcome," "Part-time workers welcome," and "Housewives (househusbands) welcome." Also possible.
You can search for part-time jobs that suit your lifestyle, such as ``I want to work remotely to fill a gap in my timetable,'' ``I want to work part-time during long holidays such as spring break or summer vacation,'' or ``I want to only apply for registration-based part-time jobs.''
●What you can do by downloading Mynavi Baito's part-time job/job search app
With the recruitment app, you can easily search for a wide range of jobs, including part-time jobs, temporary part-time jobs, part-time jobs, etc.
Easily find a part-time job with the part-time job search app
Find a part-time job or one-off part-time job with the part-time job search app
Find a quick job/part-time job with part-time job search
Search for high-paying jobs and part-time jobs with part-time job search
Looking for part-time jobs such as day labor part-time jobs, one-off part-time jobs, short-term part-time jobs, etc. with high hourly wages
Use the part-time job app to receive the latest part-time job information and search for jobs.
Search for part-time jobs from private tutor part-time jobs, cafe part-time jobs, and job openings in popular occupations.
Looking for part-time jobs such as daily paid part-time jobs, day-job part-time jobs, and one-time part-time jobs.
Looking for a one-week temporary daily wage part-time job or a one-time part-time job
Looking for a one-month temporary daily wage part-time job or a short-term part-time job
Searching for short-term part-time jobs or part-time jobs for up to 3 months, temporary work, etc.
Looking for a long-term or one-time part-time job
Search for part-time jobs by specifying early morning part-time jobs, late-night part-time jobs, and time slots
Looking for a temporary part-time job with no experience required
Looking for a part-time job that welcomes housewives (husbands)
Daily paid part-time jobs available on Saturdays and Sundays
I want to know the atmosphere of my part-time job when looking for a part-time job.
I want to regularly check part-time job information using a part-time job app that notifies me of new part-time jobs.
Looking for part-time jobs with daily pay or weekly pay
Temporary part-time jobs that you can do in your spare time
Part-time jobs that you can do in your free time
Part-time job/part-time job/job where you get paid immediately
Dispatch daily wage part-time job/part-time job/work
Registration-based part-time job/part-time job/work
Dispatch part-time job/part-time job/work with favorable conditions
Home part-time job/part-time job/work
Hairstyle free part-time job/part-time job/work
Hair color free part-time job/part-time job/work
Part-time jobs/jobs that allow beards
Part-time job/work where casual clothes are OK
Part-time job/work with free shifts
Part-time job/work with employee appointment
Daily wage part-time job/part-time job/job without resume
Part-time jobs/jobs that allow online interviews
Home scoring part-time job/part-time job/work
Part-time job/work during long vacation period
Part-time job/work with transportation expenses paid
Part-time job/job at a resort that you can do with friends
High-income part-time job/job where you can earn a lot of money
Part-time jobs/part-time jobs/jobs for college students that you can do with friends
Daily event part-time job/part-time job/job where you can have fun and earn money
Various part-time jobs/jobs that can be done in a short period of time
Long-term part-time job/part-time job/job where you can develop your skills
Part-time job/job search combining search axes
Application for part-time part-time campaign
You can read part-time job selection preparation content such as resumes and part-time job interview preparation.
Get useful information such as gift campaigns for university students
●MyNavi Part-time job is recommended for those who want to find a part-time job like this!
I want to find a job, but I can't find one.
I want to look for short-term part-time jobs or other jobs during my free time.
I'm busy with my current job, so I'd like to work part-time or look for a job in my free time.
I am dissatisfied with the recruitment app or job search site or app I am using.
I'm looking for a job, but I can't find the job I like.
I don't have time to concentrate on finding a job
I want to finish my job search quickly and make time for myself.
I don't want to waste time looking for a job
When looking for a job, I want to combine various search criteria such as work from home and flexible shifts.
I want to find a suitable job among many jobs when looking for a job.
I don't want to have trouble finding a job
●Mynavi Baito has a wealth of part-time job openings
Part-time jobs that allow nails and piercings
Video and editing part-time jobs
Part-time jobs where you can work from home or remotely
Short-term/temporary part-time job/part-time job
Day labor part-time job
Long-term part-time job
One-time part-time job
Part-time jobs available during spring break, summer vacation, and winter vacation
Part-time job during Golden Week
Part-time job during the Obon period
Midyear part-time job
Halloween part-time job
Part-time job during silver week
Christmas part-time job
Year-end and New Year part-time job
New Year's part-time job
Valentine's day and white day sales part-time job
Many seasonal part-time jobs unique to the season are posted, such as
●Mynavi Part-Time job is recommended for college students looking for part-time jobs!
Now that I'm a university student, I want to try working part-time in a variety of jobs.
I want to earn a salary in a planned manner while calculating my salary through easy short-term part-time jobs and day-labor part-time jobs.
I'm busy with university classes and club activities, so I'm looking for a part-time job that is easy to manage.
I want to experience various types of work through part-time work, so I am searching for short-term part-time jobs and temporary part-time jobs that welcome university students.
I want to find a part-time job at a restaurant using a part-time job search app while adjusting my university timetable.
I'm looking for a part-time job where I can freely decide my part-time shifts as my university exams are coming up soon.
I want to enjoy part-time work and fashion like a college student, so I'm looking for a part-time job where I can do my hair and dress freely.
Since part-time jobs are limited in job information magazines, I would like to search for jobs (search for part-time jobs) using part-time jobs apps.
I'm busy with university studies and club activities, and I want to earn some extra money through a shift-based part-time job where I can work part-time twice a week.
There are few job openings for long-term part-time jobs, so I'm looking for a short-term part-time job or one-time part-time job with a high income.
I want to look for a part-time job/job, but first I would like to experience various things by working as a short-term part-time job or day labor part-time job.
I'm looking for a part-time job that allows short-time work for students and makes it easy to manage part-time shifts.
I want to earn some pocket money, so I'm looking for a temporary part-time job that has a high hourly wage and allows me to earn money efficiently.
I would like to register for a temporary part-time job where I can try a variety of jobs.
I would like to apply for a temporary part-time job or a daily part-time job to make effective use of my days off.
I want a part-time job and a daily salary before a weekend event.
Since I am a university student and can use my time freely, I would like to earn money by doing one-time part-time jobs or short-term part-time jobs in my free time.
I'm looking for a part-time job that allows me to work short hours or work from home for students.
I want to make the most of my university life, so I want to find a temporary part-time job where I can easily manage schedules and part-time shifts according to my timetable.
I am a university student and want to work part-time and concentrate on earning money before entering university.
I'm a university student who wants to earn money by working part-time as much as possible during spring break before university entrance/employment ceremonies.
I'm a college student and want to work part-time at a resort with my friends before I graduate.
I'm a university student and have finished my entrance exams, so I want to think about what kind of part-time job I'll do after entering university by looking at job openings on part-time job search apps.
I'm a university student and it costs money to prepare before entering university, so I want to work part-time and save money.
I'm a college student and want to work part-time to earn money so I can go on a trip with my friends.
≪ Contact us ≫
If you have any problems or problems using the MyNavi Byte recruitment app, please feel free to contact us using the form below.
◆Inquiry form
なお、ご利用する上で何か不具合やお困りごとがございましたら、「 https://baito.mynavi.jp/support/UserSupportInput.do 」宛にお問い合わせいただけますと幸いです。
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Allows an app to access approximate location.
Allows an app to access precise location.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks.