Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS on Windows Pc
Developed By: Muslim Media
License: Free
Rating: 3,8/5 - 5 votes
Last Updated: December 24, 2023
App Details
Version |
1.0.0 |
Size |
6.9 MB |
Release Date |
September 23, 17 |
Category |
Books & Reference Apps |
App Permissions: Allows applications to open network sockets. [see more (7)]
Description from Developer: Free Simulation Test employess Well, one of the tips in order to qualify, is an intense simulation questions. The results of monitoring the selection of participants basic competen... [read more]
About this app
On this page you can download Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS and install on Windows PC. Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS is free Books & Reference app, developed by Muslim Media. Latest version of Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS is 1.0.0, was released on 2017-09-23 (updated on 2023-12-24). Estimated number of the downloads is more than 100. Overall rating of Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS is 3,8. Generally most of the top apps on Android Store have rating of 4+. This app had been rated by 5 users, 1 users had rated it 5*, 1 users had rated it 1*.
How to install Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS on Windows?
Instruction on how to install Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS on Windows 10 Windows 11 PC & Laptop
In this post, I am going to show you how to install Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS on Windows PC by using Android App Player such as BlueStacks, LDPlayer, Nox, KOPlayer, ...
Before you start, you will need to download the APK/XAPK installer file, you can find download button on top of this page. Save it to easy-to-find location.
[Note] You can also download older versions of this app on bottom of this page.
Below you will find a detailed step-by-step guide, but I want to give you a fast overview of how it works. All you need is an emulator that will emulate an Android device on your Windows PC and then you can install applications and use it - you see you're playing it on Android, but this runs not on a smartphone or tablet, it runs on a PC.
If this doesn't work on your PC, or you cannot install, comment here and we will help you!
Step By Step Guide To Install Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS using BlueStacks
- Download and Install BlueStacks at: The installation procedure is quite simple. After successful installation, open the Bluestacks emulator. It may take some time to load the Bluestacks app initially. Once it is opened, you should be able to see the Home screen of Bluestacks.
- Open the APK/XAPK file: Double-click the APK/XAPK file to launch BlueStacks and install the application. If your APK/XAPK file doesn't automatically open BlueStacks, right-click on it and select Open with... Browse to the BlueStacks. You can also drag-and-drop the APK/XAPK file onto the BlueStacks home screen
- Once installed, click "Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS" icon on the home screen to start using, it'll work like a charm :D
[Note 1] For better performance and compatibility, choose BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit read more
[Note 2] about Bluetooth: At the moment, support for Bluetooth is not available on BlueStacks. Hence, apps that require control of Bluetooth may not work on BlueStacks.
How to install Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS on Windows PC using NoxPlayer
- Download & Install NoxPlayer at: The installation is easy to carry out.
- Drag the APK/XAPK file to the NoxPlayer interface and drop it to install
- The installation process will take place quickly. After successful installation, you can find "Panduan Simulasi Tes CPNS" on the home screen of NoxPlayer, just click to open it.
(*) is required
Free Simulation Test employess
Well, one of the tips in order to qualify, is an intense simulation questions. The results of monitoring the selection of participants basic competence (SKD) CPNS Ministry of Law and Human Rights, there are participants who regretted for not following the simulation test held by the State Employment Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.
"Come with simulation tests employess of BKN, loads that come out of it."
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Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Allows an application to record audio.
Allows an application to modify global audio settings.
Allows read only access to phone state, including the phone number of the device, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.
Allows an application to read from external storage.