Home  /  Lifestyle Apps  / 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 on Windows Pc

梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 on Windows Pc

Developed By: Beijing Yuanbo Network Technology Co.,Ltd

License: Free

Rating: 1,0/5 - 1 votes

Last Updated: December 26, 2023

Download on Windows PC

Compatible with Windows 10/11 PC & Laptop

App Details

Version 2.6.1226
Size 14.2 MB
Release Date January 04, 18
Category Lifestyle Apps

App Permissions:
Allows applications to access information about networks. [see more (24)]

What's New:
功能优化 [see more]

Description from Developer:
梦婚礼,新人结婚筹备婚礼必备的一站式婚礼服务平台;找婚庆订婚宴酒店、拍婚纱照、选婚纱、挑礼服、蜜月游、海外旅拍蜜月,结婚环节各种需求解决方案应有尽有 。... [read more]

App preview ([see all 3 screenshots])

App preview

About this app

On this page you can download 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 and install on Windows PC. 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 is free Lifestyle app, developed by Beijing Yuanbo Network Technology Co.,Ltd. Latest version of 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 is 2.6.1226, was released on 2018-01-04 (updated on 2023-12-26). Estimated number of the downloads is more than 1,000. Overall rating of 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 is 1,0. Generally most of the top apps on Android Store have rating of 4+. This app had been rated by 1 users, 1 users had rated it 5*, 1 users had rated it 1*.

How to install 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 on Windows?

Instruction on how to install 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 on Windows 10 Windows 11 PC & Laptop

In this post, I am going to show you how to install 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 on Windows PC by using Android App Player such as BlueStacks, LDPlayer, Nox, KOPlayer, ...

Before you start, you will need to download the APK/XAPK installer file, you can find download button on top of this page. Save it to easy-to-find location.

[Note] You can also download older versions of this app on bottom of this page.

Below you will find a detailed step-by-step guide, but I want to give you a fast overview of how it works. All you need is an emulator that will emulate an Android device on your Windows PC and then you can install applications and use it - you see you're playing it on Android, but this runs not on a smartphone or tablet, it runs on a PC.

If this doesn't work on your PC, or you cannot install, comment here and we will help you!

Step By Step Guide To Install 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 using BlueStacks

  1. Download and Install BlueStacks at: https://www.bluestacks.com. The installation procedure is quite simple. After successful installation, open the Bluestacks emulator. It may take some time to load the Bluestacks app initially. Once it is opened, you should be able to see the Home screen of Bluestacks.
  2. Open the APK/XAPK file: Double-click the APK/XAPK file to launch BlueStacks and install the application. If your APK/XAPK file doesn't automatically open BlueStacks, right-click on it and select Open with... Browse to the BlueStacks. You can also drag-and-drop the APK/XAPK file onto the BlueStacks home screen
  3. Once installed, click "梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题" icon on the home screen to start using, it'll work like a charm :D

[Note 1] For better performance and compatibility, choose BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit read more

[Note 2] about Bluetooth: At the moment, support for Bluetooth is not available on BlueStacks. Hence, apps that require control of Bluetooth may not work on BlueStacks.

How to install 梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题 on Windows PC using NoxPlayer

  1. Download & Install NoxPlayer at: https://www.bignox.com. The installation is easy to carry out.
  2. Drag the APK/XAPK file to the NoxPlayer interface and drop it to install
  3. The installation process will take place quickly. After successful installation, you can find "梦婚礼-结婚必备的婚礼策划婚纱摄影服务平台,迅速帮新人解决置办婚礼过程中的所有问题" on the home screen of NoxPlayer, just click to open it.


(*) is required

梦婚礼,新人结婚筹备婚礼必备的一站式婚礼服务平台;找婚庆订婚宴酒店、拍婚纱照、选婚纱、挑礼服、蜜月游、海外旅拍蜜月,结婚环节各种需求解决方案应有尽有 。 中国一二线城市超2万家优质婚礼服务商家强势入驻,高质量服务有保障;各种婚品超百万款,样式精美独特;婚纱款式超10万款,总有一款适合独一无二的你;我们不做大众婚礼,只为你定制精品婚礼; 【大家都在用,你也不能错过梦婚礼的六大理由】: 1.实用:筹备婚礼太麻烦,梦婚礼提供的几千个真实顾客婚礼案例让你足不出户找到自己想要的婚礼; 2.安全:梦婚礼帮你层层把关,只推荐性价比高,服务有保障无二销的商家,充分保障顾客权益; 3.全面:结婚各种服务及婚品包罗万象,堪称规模最大规格最高的线上婚博会;再也不用人挤人,被踩脚的去挤婚博会现场了; 4.独特:梦婚礼合作的商家打造的婚礼作品堪称精品,再也不用担心你的婚礼是被打样出来的,只为你量身定制独一无二的婚礼; 5.豪华:全国五六七星级酒店,巴厘岛教堂婚礼,超豪华婚车;泰国蜜月旅拍,日本蜜月旅行,巴厘岛婚纱摄影,马尔代夫蜜月拍照各种奢华服务低价享受;如果你看上哪个明星的婚宴置办点,只要你敢提,我们就敢有; 6.分享:置办婚礼没思路?和上百万新娘交流经验,共享干货,用梦婚礼筹备婚礼找婚品,分分钟搞定;跟亲朋好友说:不用你们帮忙!我已搞定! 感谢微信、腾讯视频、淘宝、优酷土豆、爱奇艺、美团、京东、美图秀秀、百度、网易云音乐、亚马逊、当当等互联网公司的高管及白领丽人们使用梦婚礼置办婚礼并给予高度评价和分享!让每一对备婚结婚的新人都省时省力的置办独一无二的完美婚礼是梦婚礼团队所有员工义不容辞的义务和使命! 感谢广大网友的支持,如果您对我们的产品还有什么疑问和意见,欢迎反馈给我们。如果觉得我们不错也请大家奔走相告,分享出去! 梦婚礼,您的婚礼我们“包办”了! 官方网站:m.menghunli.com
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.
Allows applications to change network connectivity state.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Required to be able to access the camera device.
Allows read only access to phone state, including the phone number of the device, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.
Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call.
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.
Allows an application to access extra location provider commands.
Allows an app to access precise location.
Allows an app to access approximate location.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents.
Configure an application for debugging.
Allows an application to see the number being dialed during an outgoing call with the option to redirect the call to a different number or abort the call altogether.
This constant was deprecated in API level 8. The restartPackage(String] API is no longer supported.
This constant was deprecated in API level 21. No longer enforced.
Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices.
Allows an application to record audio.